Toshiba America Medical Systems

2008 10 28 12 38 00 157 Toshiba Thumb Cto 2008

(Booth 3429) Toshiba America Medical Systems of Tustin, CA, will showcase the capabilities of its AquilionOne CT system, a 320-detector-row scanner that covers up to 16 cm of anatomy per rotation.

2008 10 28 12 38 01 568 Toshiba Cto 2008The wider coverage enables AquilionOne to cover an entire organ such as the heart or brain in a single rotation. Images provide anatomic detail in addition to the organ's dynamic blood flow and function. In cardiac imaging, because the entire heart is imaged in a single rotation, the need to reconstruct slices from multiple points in time is negated.

The scanner is designed for advanced applications in the emergency department, as well as neuroradiology, orthopedics, cardiovascular, and pediatric clinical settings. It has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance and is currently available worldwide.

In addition to AquilionOne, Toshiba will showcase SureCardio Prospective and Variable Helical Pitch (vHP). SureCardio Prospective helps reduce patient radiation dose by using a helical acquisition technique that provides one continuous image rather than multiple images from step-and-shoot procedures. vHP is designed to increase workflow and efficiency by permitting examination of more than one anatomical region consecutively without stopping to adjust the helical pitch of the exam, according to the company. Both solutions are currently available worldwide.

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