Boston Scientific hails strong Taxus sales in U.S.

Interventional device developer Boston Scientific of Natick, MA, has released preliminary figures for U.S. sales of its Taxus Express2 paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent systems, booking $78 million in revenue for the first two weeks of May.

The period, May 1 through May 14, comprised 10 business days, according to the firm. Boston Scientific said it was shipping the devices to approximately 1,200 accounts at the end of the period. Commercial sales of the stent began on March 8.

The firm estimates that its share of the U.S. drug-eluting stent market -- as of May 14 – remains in excess of 70%, on a reorder basis, and estimates the adoption rate for drug-eluting stents at greater than 75%. The adoption rate represents the number of drug-eluting stents placed as a percentage of total stents placed, Boston Scientific said.

By staff writers
May 18, 2004

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FDA approves Boston Scientific fibroids treatment, March 30, 2004

Boston Scientific, EndoTex complete enrollment, March 25, 2004

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