ASRT backs reimbursement bill for radiopharmaceuticals

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) released a statement of support for a bill that would loosen the bundling practices of diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals for Medicare billing.

Currently, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) packages radiopharmaceuticals into procedural bundles that may limit patient access as well as dissuade hospitals from utilizing targeted radiopharmaceuticals and investing in related research, the society said.

The ASRT now joins several nuclear medicine and molecular imaging advocates in backing the Medicare Diagnostic Radiopharmaceutical Payment Equity Act of 2019 (HR 3772), including the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), the Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance (MITA), and the Council on Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals (CORAR).

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    "message": "Cannot execute GraphQL operations after the server has stopped.",
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    "message": "Cannot execute GraphQL operations after the server has stopped.",
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