Dear Orthopedic Imaging Insider,
We're up in arms again. Anatomically, yes, but also metaphorically because of new studies that remind us of all the confounding variables one encounters when using imaging as a guide to treatment.
That said, the studies featured in this month's Orthopedic Imaging Insider also offer some ideas for improving surgical planning.
The idea of using 3D CT reconstructions for glenoid morphometric measurements prior to total shoulder arthroplasty may be a challenge to implement right now. Achieving more consistent surgical decisions from x-rays for displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity, on the other hand, may be a simple matter. You'll find our article on studies of these scenarios by clicking here.
Other topics we've covered recently include the emergence of pinhole SPECT for arthritis imaging, the competing strengths of MR and CT in tibial stress injury, and the unsuitability of fast spin-echo MRI for meniscal tears.
You'll find these and other articles related to orthopedic imaging listed below. And as always, feel free to e-mail me your own ideas on our subject matter at the address below.