Orthopedic Imaging Insider

Dear Orthopedic Imaging Insider,

We aim to please in the Orthopedic Imaging Digital Community. We've received requests for articles on musculoskeletal ultrasound, so in this edition of the Insider, we offer just that -- a story on shoulder sonography. Topics covered in this article include ultrasound for impingement, adhesive capsulitis, and rotator, as well as nonrotator, cuff injuries. Click here to learn more.

In other news, perhaps you heard about the recent imbroglio over superskinny fashion models. The Madrid Fashion Council banned underweight models from the catwalk in order to promote healthier body types.

Other countries quickly followed suit, including India, where the Indian health minister stated that the glamorization of stick-thin models has prompted young girls to go on starvation diets, thereby increasing the incidence of osteoporosis (Times of India, September 19, 2006).

With all due respect, the health minister might be overstating the case a bit. Still, a person's formative years are the time when bone building occurs. In an effort to promote strong bones, parents may be tempted to give their children supplements, but do the latter actually do any good? Not according to a recent study, which suggests there may not be a link between fracture prevention and pumping up a kid with calcium.

However, another paper found that bone loss can be reversed in women who are recovering from anorexia. To learn more about two important prognostic factors in these patients, click here. Also, pregnant teens who consume dairy foods are not only helping themselves, but their unborn children too, according to a third study.

Finally, be sure to stop by the Orthopedic Imaging Digital Community on Tuesday for an article on MRI for evaluating low back pain.

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