New community explores MSK imaging

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

If your facility performs any musculoskeletal imaging -- and chances are it does -- then you should take a look at our new Musculoskeletal Imaging Digital Community.

The community is packed full of clinical and business news on musculoskeletal topics, including a couple new articles we're featuring this week, one on sports-related injuries among children and the other on using ultrasound for pain management of calcific tendinitis of the shoulder.

Sports injuries are becoming increasingly common among children as kids spend more time playing competitive sports and engage in repetitive behavior. One such injury is juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (JOCD), which affects the subchondral bone and articular cartilage in joints and can result in the separation of articular fragments from the bone.

MRI is probably the best modality for JOCD, but its appearance on imaging can be tricky. Contributing writer Sydney Schuster polled a series of MSK imaging experts for tips on what to look for -- see what they recommend by clicking here.

In our second article, staff writer Shalmali Pal explores the role of ultrasound in calcific tendinitis of the shoulder. Researchers of late have been using the modality both as a preoperative exam for finding calcium deposits, as well as for treatment for procedures like sonographically guided percutaneous needle lavage. Get the details on this story by clicking here.

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