Dear Advanced Visualization Insider,
Computer-aided detection (CAD) software has been used for years to improve the detection of suspicious lung nodules. But CAD technology may also be able to assist in another serious respiratory problem: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
By deploying CAD technology to evaluate the distinct disease processes of COPD, a team of Dutch researchers believes that it may be possible to determine which patients would most likely benefit from treatment.
Learn how and why in this month's Insider Exclusive, authored by international editor Eric Barnes. You can access the story before our other members by clicking here.
In other articles in your Advanced Visualization Digital Community, learn how 3D cardiac MRI is showing promise for improving the preprocedural planning of cardiac resynchronization therapy and coronary artery revascularization.
Also, recent research has found that despite the benefits provided by mammography CAD, many radiologists still believe double reading would yield a higher cancer detection rate. Get the details by clicking here.
You can also learn why bundling CAD software may improve the detection of lung lesions on CT, how a CAD algorithm can detect acute intracranial hemorrhage, and how CAD may show promise for automatic labeling of abdominal vessels.
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